Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello Again!

It has been quite a while since I last posted in this blogspot. Several significant events had taken place, in and out of the PNP, from the time of my last post.
A synchronized elections, national and local, took place in May 2007. Several impeachment attempts were made in Congress but all failed as predicted.
And two Chiefs of the PNP had changed hands (Oscar Calderon and Sonny Razon .

Last I checked the PNP's Integrated Transformation Program is in full gear (or so we hope) and significant gains were purportedly attained in the process (or so we think). We were made to understand and believe, that this program will make the PNP organization a more capable, effective and credible institution. I am crossing my fingers that this will be truly successful not only for the sake of the organization and its personnel, but more importantly for the benefit of the the citizenry whom we have sworn to serve and protect.

So again, from time to time, I will be posting my comments and my observations on the changes that that are taking place (we pray that'll be for the better) in and out of the police organization as I had originally intended.

Please feel free to send yours too.

Have a pleasant day ahead of you.